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Falcon 3.0: Operation DOSBox Staging

Operation Fighting Tiger title screen

This is a guide on running Falcon 3.0 (Falcon) and it's addons, Falcon 3.0: Operation Fighting Tiger (OFT), MiG-29: Deadly Adversary of Falcon 3.0 (MiG-29) and Hornet: Naval Strike Fighter (Hornet) in DOSBox Staging.

The guide will cover basic DOSBox Staging setup, High frame rate settings, controller setup, installation and patching of Falcon and the addons. some suggested official and unofficial mods & tools and finally running the sim.

I normally assume that any installation disks or cd-roms will be ripped to disk/cd-rom images, as I believe this saves wear and tear on disks and drives, which are becoming more difficult to obtain as time passes. This is not an issue for those using a Steam or GOG digital release.

DOSBox Setup

Thia guide assumes the latest version of DOSBox Staging will be used, which at time of writing is v0.82. The changes from the default configuration will be listed and any addition settings of interest.

host_rate           = vrr

As I have a variable refresh rate monitor, so I set this to vrr. If you don't, you may wish to leave this as the default of auto.

vmemsize           = 8

Set to the maximum, so Falcon is not affected by video memory.

glshader           = crt-auto
aspect             = auto
integer_scaling    = auto
viewport           = fit

These are the default values which are good settings for Falcon but if you wish to experiment with other shaders, aspect ratio or viewport size, this is where you would do it.

cpu_cycles           = 18000
cycleup              = 1000
cycledown            = 1000

The cpu_cycles setting will be dependant on your particular pc. The accepted value for Falcon is 20000 but that 'feels' a little too fast on my PC, so I'm using 18000. A value of 20000 is a good starting point. The cycleup/down setting is a personal preference and you may wish to reduce it to a smaller increment when tweaking cycles.

voodoo               = false

There is no 3dfx Voodoo acceleration so it's turned off.

reverb     = medium
chorus     = normal

These mixer settings are personal preference, but I believe they enhance the Falcon soundscape.

mididevice      = mt32

Midi music will use a DOSBox emulated mt32 device, which provided the optimum music experience when Falcon was developed.

model       = cm32l
romdir      = "D:\Midi\Versioned" 

The later CM32L device is compatible with Falcon. Further details on how the midi was organised can be found in the 'DOSBox midi' article.

imgmount a "D:\Games\Dos\Falcon 3.0\test\fdd\*.img" -t floppy
mount c "D:\Games\Dos\Falcon 3.0\test\hdd"
imgmount d "D:\Games\Dos\Falcon 3.0\test\cd\FalconGold.iso"

# cd falcon3	# for earlier falcon install folder
cd falconcd	# for Falcon Gold cd-rom install folder
darkmenu		# my startup menu

The floppy and cd-rom imgmount commands will be needed if you intend to install from floppy disk/cd-rom images. The folder used as a DOS hard disk by DOSBox is specified with the mount command. The hard disk folder and floppy/cd-rom images folders are based on my DOSBox game management strategy.

The darkmenu line calls my entirely optional Falcon startup menu, described below.

High frame rate setup

The following details changes to apply if you wish to try High frame rate settings as described in this article by Omnicydle.

vsync               = off
presentation_mode   = vfr

dos_rate            = 1000

dos_mouse_immediate = true

Controller setup

Like many other DOS sims, Falcon requires a HOTAS setup limited to 4 axes. For those with 4 axes or less, this won't apply. For those with a HOTAS with more than 4 axes, HOTAS profiling software will need to be used to limit axes.

In my case I'm able to use TM TARGET to create a suitable profile for a virtual controller with only 4 axes. They are as follows:

Physical axis

Windows axis

Joystick x-axis


Joystick y-axis


Throttle axis


Rudder pedals


The corresponding settings in DOSBox Staging are set as follows:

joysticktype                = 4axis
timed                       = false
swap34                      = true
deadzone                    = 0

The joystick type is set to 4axis corresponding to the 4 axes configured above. The other settings will be dependant on your controller/HOTAS setup and may require testing to find the optimal settings. The deadzone is personal preference and works well with my setup.

My configuration

My complete DOSBox Staging configuration is shown below:

host_rate           = vrr
vsync               = off
presentation_mode   = vfr

vmemsize           = 8
dos_rate           = 1000

glshader           = crt-auto
aspect             = auto
integer_scaling    = auto
viewport           = fit

cpu_cycles           = 18000
cycleup              = 1000
cycledown            = 1000

voodoo               = false

dos_mouse_immediate = true

reverb     = medium
chorus     = normal

mididevice      = mt32

model       = cm32l
romdir      = "D:\Midi\Versioned"

joysticktype                = 4axis
timed                       = false
swap34                      = true
deadzone                    = 0

imgmount a "D:\Games\Dos\Falcon 3.0\test\fdd\*.img" -t floppy
mount c "D:\Games\Dos\Falcon 3.0\test\hdd"
imgmount d "D:\Games\Dos\Falcon 3.0\test\cd\FalconGold.iso"

# cd falcon3	# for earlier falcon install folder
cd falconcd	# for Falcon Gold cd-rom install folder
darkmenu		# my startup menu

Installation & patching

checkver utility
checkver utility included in some patches

There is a 'relatively simple' rule of thumb when it comes to installing Falcon, the expansions and patches. Falcon, expansions and patches must be installed in an increasing compatibility set version order. You cannot apply an earlier compatibility set version to a later compatibility set version. You may apply multiple patches from the same compatibility set.

If you're wondering what a compatibility set is or how a version of MiG-29 relates to a version of Falcon, given the large number of expansions and patches that exist, you may wish to take a look at the Falcon 3.0: Version & patch history article.

There is a caveat to this rule, if there is specific official documentation that explains how to install an earlier expansion over a later product then this documentation should be followed. This is the case when adding the Operation Fighting Tiger expansion to the MiG-29 standalone edition.

Nearly all patches can be found on the Internet Archive.

Floppy disk editions

Floppy disk product editions and any patches should be installed using DOSBox Staging. My personal preference is rip floppy disks into floppy disk images (.img) and mount the images in DOSBox, for reasons described earlier.

Installing and patching floppy disk editions can be easier as they are usually earlier versions of the products that can be easily patched following the rule above.

Falcon 3.0

This is the process for installing Falcon, each addon and the latest patches to upgrade it to a final release (or Falcon Gold) standard.

The last two steps of applying the final MiG-29 and Hornet patches are often neglected (in fact missing from the v3.05 patch notes!), but are necessary to upgrade the files specific to MiG-29 and Hornet to their final versions, with most of the common files already upgraded by the Falcon v3.05 patch. We can do this as it complies with 'You may apply multiple patches from the same compatibility set.'

The installation of each product and the versions installed once complete, is useful as it shows the installation/patching rule in practice:

Install Falcon v3.0

Falcon v3.00

Install OFT

Falcon/OFT v3.01

Install MiG-29 (expansion edition)

Falcon/OFT v3.02, MiG-29 v1.0

Install Hornet

Falcon/OFT v3.03, MiG-29 v1.02, Hornet v1.0

Apply Falcon v3.05 patch

Falcon/OFT v3.05, MiG-29 v1.02, Hornet v1.0

Apply MiG-29 v1.04 patch

Falcon/OFT v3.05, MiG-29 v1.04, Hornet v1.0

Apply Hornet v1.02 patch

Falcon/OFT v3.05, MiG-29 v1.04, Hornet v1.02

MiG-29 standalone edition

I don't have the standalone edition, so this is an educated guess. If you wish to install OFT then there are specific instructions included with the standalone edition that unfortunately have not been published digitally.

Install MiG-29 standalone edition

MiG-29 v?

Install OFT (follow instructions)

MiG-29 v?, OFT v?

Install Hornet

MiG-29 v1.02, OFT v3.03, Hornet v1.0

Apply MiG-29 v1.04 patch

MiG-29 v1.04, OFT v3.05, Hornet v1.0

Apply Hornet v1.02 patch

MiG-29 v1.04, OFT v3.05, Hornet v1.02

CD-ROM editions

CD-ROM editions should be mounted and installed from DOSBox Staging, using either the physical CD-ROM or CD image. An iso CD image is suitable as there is no CD audio on the installation media.

CD-ROM editions can be more problematic for expansions as they are often later versions released after the expansions. This means some expansions cannot be applied.

For example, Falcon v3.0d released on CD-ROM, can be expanded and patched without issue as it is a relatively early version. However, Falcon v3.05 released on CD-ROM cannot use any of the expansions as Falcon is already at the final release version.

The general steps are:

  • Install CD-ROM version.

  • Install other products in order: OFT, MiG-29, Hornet (if the expansion is a later version than installed CD-ROM product).

  • Apply Falcon v3.05 patch (if installed and later than current installed version).

  • Apply MiG-29 v1.04 patch (if installed and later than current installed version).

  • Apply Hornet v1.02 patch (if installed and later than current installed version).

Falcon Gold edition

By comparison the Falcon Gold edition needs no sim patches with all products already at their final release version. There is just a single Art of the Kill patch to apply.

  • Install Falcon Gold.

  • Apply 'Art of the Kill' patch.

Digital editions

Digital editions are normally a digital release of Falcon Gold. At present I'm not sure if digital editions already have the Art of the Kill patch applied.

  • Install digital edition.

  • Apply 'Art of the Kill' patch (only if needed).

Official utilities

There are a number of official utilities which are not required, however they may be of some use to those running the sim on period correct legacy hardware. They are detailed in the earlier article, Falcon 3.0: Version & patch history.


The only recommended utility is TM-STICK which reduces the joystick deadzone and allows changes to be made to the throttle detent, after which the various stages of afterburner are applied. It's usefulness will be determined by your specific controller setup but it's certainly worth trying out.

Note: The Falcon Gold edition has the TM-STICK v1.9 utility included as an extra, but the latest versions of the Falcon and expansion patches were distributed with TM-STICK v2.1, available within the latest patches or separately at the Internet Archive.

Unofficial utilities

A huge number of utilities with various version have been distributed over the years, an earlier article. 'Falcon 3.0: Unofficial mods & tools', details them and the utilities that remain compatible with the latest versions.

This guide assumes a vanilla experience for new players so the only recommended mod is F3 missile which changes the characteristics of the Stinger/SA-7B SAM missiles, making them less overpowered and more realistic.

Once campaigning, you may find a campaign editor to be a valuable addition to your Falcon gameplay experience, and there are menu utilities to ease starting the sim or provide addition squadron backup and restore functions. These are detailed in the 'Falcon 3.0: Unofficial mods & tools' article.


DarkMenu for Falcon
DarkMenu for Falcon

DarkMenu is my entirely optional version of a Falcon startup menu, supporting MiG-29 and Hornet. It also supports the TM-STICK utility.

It will run both earlier versions of the product suite and those found on the Falcon Gold edition. It will only show options relevant to the products installed.

It is based on the PCGamingWiki addon launcher but heavily amended and enhanced. It can be found below.

Installation requires, downloading, extracting and copying darkmenu.bat into your falcon3 or falconcd folder. Note: the campaign backup/restore has not been extensively tested with multiple campaigns so use at your own risk!

Update: The DarkMenu has been slightly amended with the 'Quit' option replaced with 'Quit DOSBox', to close DOSBox, and 'Exit to DOS' to close the menu and return to the DOS prompt. This second option would allow any 3rd party utilities to be run during the DOSBox session.

Running Falcon

Running Falcon also applies any of the expansions. Start DOSBox Staging with your Falcon config. You can make things a bit easier by creating a specific Falcon shortcut to run DOSBox Staging with the Falcon config as described in the DOSBox game management article.

Load the TM-STICK utility, if required and start Falcon, MiG-29 or Hornet!

Remaining Issues

There is an issue with the intro movies, at the required DOSBox cpu_cycles setting the intro movies will grind to a halt. There is no fix at present so skip past the intro movie. To view the intro correctly (which will slow the sim to a crawl when flying) set the cycles as follows:

cpu_cycles           = 3000

In-game config

Falcon system settings
Falcon system settings

Unlike many other games, there is no separate config utility, with all configuration performed in-game. From the war room screen, select config and then system settings. The preferred settings are shown in the screenshot.

In-game joystick calibration

Falcon joystick calibration
Simple but functional

If joystick is selected as the flight control, calibration is performed the first time a mission is started. The flight control scheme can be changed and recalibration performed from the in-flight menu. After calibrating the joystick the throttle should be detected and can be calibrated. After the throttle, any rudder pedals should be detected and can be calibrated.

Remember, if you are using the TM-STICK utility, make sure to load it before starting Falcon.


Hopefully this guide and the supporting articles will help you understand the installation and patching strategy, the tools available and the DOSBox settings required to play the Falcon 3.0 series of classic flight sims.

Good hunting...


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