If your legacy flight sim InstallShield app is freezing then it may be a Logitech Gaming Software issue and it's desire to communicate with Discord?!?
Will it affect you?
The issue seems to be that the installer is waiting for a resource which never becomes free, a resource being held onto by the Logitech Gaming software.
If your installation has frozen:
Open the Task Manager and go to the Processes tab.
You should see a SETUP.EXE (32 bit) entry with a status of 'Not responding'.
Go to the Details tab, find the SETUP.EXE entry with the status of 'Not responding'.
Right click and select 'Analyze wait chain'.
If the process is logitechg_discord.exe then you have the issue.
How to fix it
The first thing to do is to use the Task Manager to kill off the frozen InstallShield setup.exe process.
Then follow the instructions in this Logitech Gaming Software integration with Discord article. This will allow you to enable the Game Integration Customization View (which is disabled by default).
Within this view you can stop the Discord applet (which is enabled by default) and select the 'Never launch' option to make sure you are never bothered by it again!
If you absolutely can't live without Logitech/Discord integration, stop the applet, install the game and restart the applet.