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Subwar 2050: South China Seas Campaign Walkthrough

South China Seas campaign

This is taken from some of my earlier posts on the GOG Subwar 2050 forum.

Mission 1 - The Eco-warriors

Loadout: 3 x torpedoes, 3 x decoy, lots x rockets. Wingman: 3 x decoy, lots x rockets

No need to wait to be attacked, you can shoot first! Go to waypoint 1, get your wingman to attack and join in with rockets to destroy the enemy sub. Same with waypoint 2, both of you should attack the enemy sub with rockets. Make a high speed run to waypoint 3 and destroy the saboteur with torpedoes.

At this point I had to ping with active sonar to find the ASW ship, both of you should hit it with whatever you have left, then the mission should end once it's destroyed.

Mission 2 - Hoist the Jolly Roger

Loadout: 3 x torpedoes, 3 x decoy, lots x rockets. Wingman: 3 x decoy, lots x rockets

No need for stealth on this mission. Set your active sonar pinging and make a high speed run for the waypoint. There'll be 2 enemy subs, give your wingman one while you take the other. Make sure both are destroyed, you may need to help your wingman.

Then there'll be 2 enemy ships, again give your wingman one while you destroy the other.

The mission should end once all 4 enemy targets are destroyed.

Mission 3 - Defending the Geishas

Loadout: 3-4 x torpedoes, 3 x decoy, lots x rockets. Wingman: 3 x decoy, lots x rockets

No need for stealth, set your sonar active. 2 subs converge from 2 different directions so I send my wingman after each one. Maybe help out with an initial torpedo. But be careful as another sub appears to attack the third leg. It can be a bit of a confusing maelstrom so take the 3rd enemy sub with a couple of torpedoes and finish off with rockets.

The mission ends once all enemies are destroyed, only one leg of the station remained but it was enough for a successful mission.

Mission 4 - Lights! Camera! Action!

Loadout: 3 x decoy, lots x rockets, maybe 1/2 torpedoes.

You don't have to destroy anything but the station, so you can make a stealthy approach to get nice and close, and then hit it with rockets as quickly as possible until its destroyed then run out of there as fast as possible.

You may want to fire off a torpedo at enemy subs to keep then occupied while you destroy the station, but I didn't have to.

Mission 5 - Fishing Rights

Loadout: Whatever you want as you shouldn't be shooting at anything, 2 x transponders.

Stealth is the key to this one, stay very very slow, 15 knots is sufficient. Once at the first waypoint, kill speed and drop the first transponder before heading to waypoint 2 again stealthily at 15 knots. You may have to drop the 2nd transponder but my mission ended successfully once I was close enough to waypoint 2.

Mission 6 - The Repair Convoy

Loadout: 3 x decoy, lots x rockets.

This is a hard, hard mission. Power up to full speed immediately, seconds count, set the sonar to active. You have very very little time to save the base before it's destroyed.

Torpedoes can't help you as they track the noise of the power station and end up hitting it. Don't head straight to the waypoint but to the right of it.

As you approach you should see 2 subs, one to the right / behind of the base and one coming in from the front / left. You need to destroy the one on the right first, however, it approaches to the right and behind the base. So by heading to the right of the base you can swing round and hit it with rockets.

However as you get close you need to slow otherwise you run into your own rockets. You need to be quick and accurate getting close helps. Destroy it, power up and continue round the base to the second enemy sub, destroy it with rockets before the base is destroyed.

This is a very difficult mission so you'll need to practice, getting off to a fast start, rockets selected and active sonar can give you a few more seconds that can make all the difference.

Mission 7 - Second Strike

Loadout: 3 x decoy, lots x rockets.

This one is a lot easier, almost a walk in the park by comparison. Get above the thermal layer and set your speed to 25 knots. A nice slow approach to the base waypoint until your sitting above it. Then hit it over again with rockets as quickly as possible until destroyed, it takes 20+ rockets to destroy but once done so run away at full speed until the mission ends.

Mission 8 - Closing the Pipeline

Loadout: 3 x decoy, lots of rockets.

I did this one kind of strangely, I skipped all of the of structures until I found the major station and destroyed it with 7 or 8 rockets and then I looped back through all of the waypoints and destroyed all the structures, after destroying 4 or 5 the mission ended.

They were all listed as sensors on the contact info, so I was either very lucky or you just need to destroy a certain number of these other structures.

Mission 9 - Tanker Raid

Loadout: 3 x decoy, lots of rockets. Wingman, the same.

Active sonar on and head straight to the waypoint, I gave the right most sub to my wingman to destroy. Shortly after an enemy sub shows up you need to deal with swiftly. By sheer dumb luck the enemy Hurricane (I think) got himself between the wingman and his target so he ended up destroying this enemy sub as well as his own target. After that it was just a case of destroying the second towing sub (took about 15 rockets) and the mission ended.

Mission 10 - Beijing Gambit

Loadout: 3 x decoy, lots of rockets. Wingman, the same.

Easy one, just keep giving your wingman a target while you destroy some ships yourself. Once they are all destroyed mission ends. Just make sure you aren't directly under any vessel as they break up.

Mission 11 - Beijing Checkmate

Loadout: 3 x torpedo, 3 x decoy, lots of rockets. Wingman, lots of rockets.

This one is really hard. And I'm not sure I did this properly. Passive sonar to begin with. High speed run to waypoint 1, pop above the thermal layer.

I have no idea how you destroy the helijet. Wait where you are, as soon as the helijet pops on your contact list, you may have to send an active sonar ping first, I sent both wingmen after it, a lot of times they won't be able to destroy it but I have no idea how to. It's a struggle to find, maybe you have to surface to destroy it but I'm really not sure?!? Hopefully one of wingmen deals with the helijet.

Now 3 enemy subs will head straight for you so dip beneath the thermal and run to put some distance between you and them. Now it's time to turn and fight, try and get some assistance from your wingman but I had to spam rockets at each of them until all 3 were destroyed.

You will probably be damaged, so wait until the self-repair has done it's thing. Head back to the ships and using your last 3 torpedoes destroy one of the ASW ships, they are the wider shorter ships in the fleet, 2 identical vessels beside each other. Once one has been destroyed the mission should end shortly but you need to stay in the vicinity of waypoint 2 and the surface ships.

That should be another campaign done!


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